"What did the first brain to find itself on this planet do? Presumably it was astonished at being here and hadn't a clue what to make of itself and the filthy vehicle beneath its feet. In the meantime people have come to terms with their brains by regarding them as so unimportant as to be not even worth ignoring, by making rastas of themselves (bottommost: blackish pole; uppermost; the president of the senate, say) and by turning the so-unjustly beloved nature into the backdrop for a right farce. Although this doubtless not especially heroic way of avoiding a dilemma that still receives insufficient appreciation has become quite void of any charm now that it is so utterly predictable (how infantile bathroom scales are!), for this self-same reason it is, however, highly suitable for the conducting of certain procedures." - Walter Serner in Last Loosening Manifesto (1916)

"The concept of reality is a highly variable value, and entirely dependent on the brain and the requirements of the brain which considers it." - Richard Hülsenbeck in En Avant Dada (1920)

"After all, what is an art object, in any discipline,
but a beautifully woven system of life-giving lies that burst with potentiality?"
- Olchar E. Lindsann in Cheating Art History:
Strategies on the Fight Against Modernism ( ADa 91 )

"The pressure of occupation and the incessant stream of impressions pouring into our consciousness through all the gateways of knowledge make modern existence hazardous in many ways. Most persons are so absorbed in the contemplation of the outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing on within themselves. The premature death of millions is primarily traceable to this cause." - Nikola Tesla in My Inventions (1919)

"I am not an artist because I refuse to be bored." - David Beris Edwards in BARM ( ADa 92 )

"Every manifestation of our life is accompanied by noise." - Luigi Russolo in L'arte dei rumori ( 1913 )

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cycler Current Cystems

This blog is being revived temporarily for the purposes of research toward building an auxiliary power system on one of my bicycles. Please keep reading; your help is appreciated! Please comment on these posts if you've got anything.

I'm fairly inexperienced as far as electrical engineering goes, so I'll need anyone's help developing an auxiliary power system for one of my bicycles in the next two weeks. I would like to debut this system, at least the power and control of the LED strip, by October 5th as part of PROject proJECT, a by-night light event in downtown Roanoke, VA.

All notes and contributions from others I will post to this blog!

Below you'll find a list of what I hypothesize I will need for this system. Following this list is another list (I love lists) of resources that have been compiled in relation to the first list.

1. 12VAC Sidewall Dynamo
2. Bridge Rectifier
3. Charge Controller
4. Batteries
5. DC-DC converter(s)
6. "outlets" to power things
7. Things to power:
a. Arduino UNO & Light Strip (5v? & 5v, 2A)
b. USB to micro-USB LG Phone (5.1V DC - .7A)
c. USB to micro-USB Novatel WiFi device (5V DC - 1.1A)
d. netbook using a barrel plug (19V DC - 1.58A)

The dynamo will send varying voltages of AC power into the rectifier which will turn it into DC. The charge controller will feed DC power into the battery if necessary. I'm not exactly sure how charge controllers work yet. I also am not sure what type of batteries I would need and how they would work either. The batteries will provide DC power of a certain voltage (which drops as the battery drains) to one or various DC-DC converters made to provide the various voltages I need for the listed devices. I only plan on powering/charging one of the four devices at a time so I think a switch delegating which device I would power would work. I can wire a female USB port through which I can power the phone and wifi device. I'm not exactly sure how to power the Arduino and LED strip yet, but there will be something for that. Finally, I'll wireup a 3ft wire & barrel plug that'll plug into my netbook.

Current On-Line Resources:

Possible Sidewall dynamo (I cannot afford to have a wheel built & purchase a hub dynamo.)
[ http://www.amazon.com/Bike-Bicycle-Dynamo-Generator-12V/dp/B000OBWMGK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348419091&sr=8-1&keywords=12v+dynamo ]

Simple Bridge Rectifier Tutorial:
[ http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/electronics-projects-how-to-build-rectifier-circui.html ]

Charge Controller as recommended by Sean McIntyre:
[ http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280859381368&ssPageName=ADME:L:OC:CA:3160 ]

DC-DC converter as used by Sean:
[ http://www.ebay.com/itm/LM2577-DC-DC-Power-Supply-Step-up-Module-25W-Heatsink-/260775477112?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb76dff78 ]

Documentation of Sean's project of lighting up EL wire w/ a hub dynamo using a rectifier and some inverters:
[ http://blog.boxysean.com/2012/06/04/bike-powered-illumination/ ]

Arduino & Light-Strip + Tutorial from adafruit:
[ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006H06TVG/ref=gno_cart_title_1 ]
[ http://www.adafruit.com/products/306 ]
[ http://learn.adafruit.com/digital-led-strip/overview ]

(From the tutorial, it still isn't clear to me how to power the Arduino & light strip from the same 5v source. Tutorial says: "For a standalone application (not USB connected to a computer), you can power the Arduino from the same regulated 5V supply as the LEDs — connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino, not Vin, and don’t use the DC jack on the Arduino.")

Very informative, but slightly over my head set of links & documentation for similar but still different applications on 'POKING THINGS WITH STICKS':
[ http://www.pokingthingswithsticks.com/projects/bicycle-iphone-and-usb-charging/the-charging-circuit/ ]

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